Daily Archives: October 18, 2022

Create a Vignette

couch and small display cabinet with elegant lamp near wall decorated with framed pictures at home
Photo by Charlotte May on Pexels.com

I love to create warm vignettes throughout the house. These collections of favorite mementos, pictures and collectibles can form an inviting nook or scene. Vignettes draw people to them; they can evoke feelings of the past or create special auras. They are also wonderful conversation starters. These small collections are what make your home unique. They can provide a glimpse into your personality or one’s past. Here are a few of mine..please share your favorite ones!

Vignette - Collection of Boat Watercolor with lamps and framed photos and Collectibles
Vignette - Collection of Boat Watercolor with lamps and framed photos and Collectibles

Rules for an Inviting Vignette

  • 1. Build a scene around light sources
  • 2. Use pieces that reflect the style of your home (shabby chic, traditional, etc)
  • 3. Pull different colors from the rest of the room
  • 4. Use different sizes and shapes to fill the scene
  • 5. Include different textures (ceramics, wood, metals, fibers)