Spirit Dolls

The Origin of Spirit Dolls goes back as far as most anyone can remember. Spirit Dolls were created in ancient times to protect one from evil spirits, to memorialize loved ones or as cherished gifts.

Spirit Dolls can be created from scavenged materials found in you craft closet, sewing box, junk drawer or backyard. Start with a stick that mimics the frame of the Spirit Doll you’re creating; I like to find one with a gentle curve that mimics a human body in motion. Often you can find one with branching “arms” or “feet” for more realism.

Creating The Spirit Doll Head

As you hold and feel the doll you will proably start to develop a feel for the personality of the doll you are creating. Creating the doll’s head is probably the most important component.

I’ve created mine with FIMO clay that is baked until hardened. Start with an egg-shaped lump of clay and push holes in for eyes, and add small lumps of clay to fashion ears and nose. Any fine-tipped tool can be used to detail eyes, ears and nose. The clay can be reworked until you get it right. Flesh-toned clay can be left as is; or you may want to paint to age the face and give the doll more personality. Apply a protective finish if desired, even modge-podge will protect and add a sheen.

I place the head on the “body” before baking the clay to create a hole to insert the stick in after the head is finished. I insert glue into the hole before placing it on the body and allowing it to dry.

Dressing The Spirit Doll

Choose materials that complement its personality. I start with its clothing; I tear scraps from recycled clothing, or leftovers from sewing projects. I attach the material with hot glue or by sewing pieces together and tying to the body with string. You can add scraps of ribbon and leather to act as belts and necklaces or to hold the clothing together.

Use broken jewelry, spare buttons and ribbons and lacing for decoration. Honor a loved one who’s passed on by adding just a scrap or bauble that belonged to them.

Go for a walk outside to forage material. Embellish your spirit doll with twigs, evergreens, acorns, pinecones, feathers and other durable natural materials. Finally, add beads, bells and coins as jewelry to amplify the doll’s mystical aura.